About me...
Well, hello there! I'm Kate. I am an artist and Art educator living outside of Philadelphia, PA. I am a mixed-media artist, focusing on finding new ways to explore the utilitarian medium of paper- whether that be through sculpture, paper weaving, or pop-up books.
As an educator, I've taught at a wide range of schools including private arts-focused schools, inner city schools, and at the International School of Brussels (ISB), where I taught for five years. I have spent the last several years developing a series of workshops focused on the teaching of pop-up books to students of all ages (including adults).
While teaching at ISB, I found it most beneficial to bring in visiting artists who could teach me a skill that I could later develop on my own and share with students for years to come. In fact, I began my own artistic practice in the field of pop-up books after I brought a practicing pop-up artist to our school and learned the basics from him! As a visiting artist, I love sharing new techniques that can be explored long after I've left.